Preventing Foot Injuries: Tips for Athletes

If you’re an athlete looking to prevent foot and ankle injuries, this guide is for you. Dr. Angelo Pace at Advanced Pace Foot And Ankle Center – your podiatrist in Alexandria, VA – shares seven tips to help.

Build Up to It

No matter your sport or workout, it’s essential that you build up to it. Jumping right in full force is a very risky endeavor, so it’s important to do two things. First, always warm up before you begin. Second, slowly build your body up over several weeks when starting a new sport or program.

Choose the Right Shoes and Replace As Needed

The type of shoes you wear and the shape they are in can play a very crucial role in either protecting your feet or putting them at an increased risk of injury. It’s important that you both find a pair that is designed for your activity and for your feet. Custom orthotics can help ensure that you have the proper support for your foot type. Additionally, it’s important to replace shoes once they begin to wear out.

Watch Your Step 

Even the best shoes can’t protect you if you are running on uneven or loose gravel surfaces or on trails with tree roots. Try sticking to soft, even terrain. If you’re going to run on trails, get familiar with it beforehand. And always watch your step as best as you can.

Pay Attention to Your Body 

Pain is a sign that something isn’t wrong. If you notice any pain or discomfort, take a break and seek attention before the issue worsens. Also, give your feet and ankles time to rest each week and after your workout.

Use Supportive Gear 

If you’ve sustained an injury in your feet and ankles, prevent it from reoccurring by wearing protective gear. This includes ACE bandages, braces, and supportive sleeves. 

Don’t Forget to Cool Down 

Cooling down is just as important as warming up. Start slowing down at the end of your training or workout to allow both your heart and your muscles to relax. Stretch before calling it quits for the day to help prevent tension build-up. 

Visit Your Podiatrist 

Dr. Pace at Advanced Pace Foot And Ankle Center in Alexandria, VA can help you keep your feet and ankles protected by recommending the best shoes, providing custom orthotics, helping you recover more quickly from workouts and injuries, and much more.

Prevent foot and ankle injuries with the help of our podiatrist Dr. Pace at Advanced Pace Foot And Ankle Center in Alexandria, VA. You can reach our Walker office at (703) 971-7100 or our Sherwood office at (703) 360-9292.